Pope Francis Will Ask Popular Conservative Bishop to Resign


After the Vatican investigated one of the most popular Catholic bishops in America, who is also one of the most outspokenly pro-life bishops, Pope Francis reportedly called the Catholic bishop to resign. One of the issues he is against is LGBT ideology.

In June, the Vatican launched an apostolic visitation to the Diocese of Tyler, Texas, and Bishop Joseph Strickland. The reasons for the investigation of Bishop Strickland were unclear but appear to resolve around his social media posts — where he actively challenges abortion, takes on leftist woke culture, and even questions the Catholic Church when he believes it is going the wrong direction.

Human Events reports that Pope Francis will ask Bishop Strickland to resign.

Human Events claims that infiltrators in the Vatican want to make an example of Bishop Strickland. It doesn’t look good for the Bishop, they say.


Earlier this year, Bishop Strickland called out Joe Biden, saying he’s a “fake Catholic” for falsely claiming the Catholic Church supports abortion, reports Life News.

When Pope Francis defrocked Fr. Pavone, Bishop Strickland supported him. He disagreed with the decision, calling the defrocking the real “blasphemy.”

He also disagreed with the vaccine mandates.

In December 2022, the Archbishop called Hillary Clinton an evil woman.

“Please, please don’t listen to this evil woman. Her lies and immorality need to be silenced for the good of humanity,” Strickland tweeted.



    • Does anyone really believe little p has the good of people’s souls in his heart? In his support for homosexuality and other deviant behavior, he is excusing and almost endorsing sin instead of leading against it. And due to our inherent human weakness, many are more willing to succumb to sin when it is not spoken against by clergy.

  1. The current Pope is disgusting, and should resign or have done to him what happened to Mussolini. He is against what is in the Bible, supporting the LGBTQ community and is a hypocrite for calling this Bishop political. He will be going to HELL when he dies, because GOD doesn’t allow scumbags like this into Heaven.


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