This is one of the most damning interviews yet. Evidence wasn’t presented but Viktor Shokin makes salient and powerful points. Viktor Shokin, the prosecutor Joe Biden had fired while threatening to not hand over $1 billion in US tax dollars, gave a bombshell interview below. I believe Maze Moore published it first.
Former top Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin gives his explanation as to why Biden wanted the Burisma investigation shut down.
The UK seized $23 million belonging to Burisma, and that led to him opening an investigation. The case was not dormant—the investigation aimed to determine why the UK seized the funds.
Ten to twelve days before he was fired on February 2, 2016, the courts seized the assets of Burisma President Mykola Zlochevsky, including oil wells, cars, and real estate properties.
Shokin said that during his previous investigation, Zlochevsky’s wells and other properties were seized.
The United States intelligence services closely monitored Burisma legally and illegally.
“Everyone understood very well that this fight was going to end badly for them [Burisma],” he said.
He and his colleagues were advancing the investigation of this case, and he understood that Joe Biden used unofficial channels to watch this case. Joe Biden used his men – activists in Ukraine – to follow the situation. He named names. Joe Biden acted through them on behalf of the interests of his family, not the American people.
Shokin clarifies that this is his opinion, and he’s not accusing anyone officially. There was no criminal investigation of Hunter Biden, only Burisma. Shokin wanted to find out who was responsible for breaking Ukrainian laws at the company. He discovered that, in May through July 2014, the administration was responsible. Hunter Biden and Devon Archer we’re now targets. Joe Biden had reason to fear his son would become involved.
As far as the IMF and others saying he was corrupt and they wanted him gone, Shokin said he never heard that before the Biden case. He believes that is a “deception.”
No one as yet has given him even one example of how he was corrupt. No one criticized his work, and as late as 2015, officials told him they knew it was “slander.” As Mr. Shokin said if Biden had any proof of my corruption he would have spoken out loudly. Everything was done behind the scenes.
He thinks that Biden considers Ukraine his oyster and he’s the boss. He said he had humiliated Ukraine. Mr. Shokin was also not happy with his use of the word b****. Under Barack Obama, The United States interfered in the affairs of Ukraine, he said. Appointments were made with the permission of the United States. That continued under Joe Biden even to the level of the deputy prosecutor general.
He wishes Joe Biden luck because “he’ll need it.” In his opinion, Biden’s “moral and individual qualities are very low.”
This is Viktor Shokin. He is the Ukrainian prosecutor that Biden accused of being corrupt and had removed.
In this video he responds to accusations that his investigation into Burisma was dormant or that he was corrupt. He tells the truth about why he was removed as prosecutor.…
— MAZE (@mazemoore) August 4, 2023