Fox News Has Completed Its Transformation


Fox News no longer has anything for people on the Right. When they fired Tucker and gave in to the Dominion lawsuit, it was more than fear. it’s who they are. They’ve completed their transformation.

This is what they had on their media page. They’ve caved to a bizarre culture.

They are so far from what Roger Ailes envisioned; there is no turning back. They treated Roger Ailes shamefully. They wouldn’t have had anything without him. His vision was Fox News. The new Fox is going to deceive people, as it moves left.

Don’t trust them.



  1. Ailes said the Murdoch leftist sons would ruin the network and he was right.

    I saw these major steps in Faux betraying us. In 2006 it supported the amnesty bill. In 2015 it staged an ambush on Trump at the first debate. In 2020 it supported the election coup. The next step is to silence Tucker, who has made no news commentary since dismissed.


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