Rob Schmitt gave a fiery patriotic speech on Friday, calling out the authoritarians tearing apart our Constitution and robbing us of our rights. We face an existential threat from within.
Partial Transcript
…since the Trump revolution in 2016, make no mistake, there is a very large movement that is perfectly fine with tyranny in this country as long as the tyrants share their ideology. These people were everywhere during the pandemic. They’re very active in big tech. Many of them work in our Intel agencies and likely all over the American government. The American media is almost exclusively operated by these people, loyally pushing only one party’s propaganda in a two-party system.
“As a government designed to serve the people now rules over us and devises fear tactics to gain more power working on manufacturing fake stats on domestic extremism, which they use to further their agenda to make you more afraid of your neighbor than the government that’s working to subvert your inalienable rights.
“Democracy doesn’t happen by accident. We have to defend it, fight for it, strengthen it, renew it, so consolidating absolute power from a free people is never easy. It requires a tremendous amount of gaslighting. You have to scream democracy a lot and weaponize multiple agencies in government. Most Americans have never read the Declaration of Independence and have very little connection to the visceral fight for freedom from tyranny that started this great nation.
“Washington thrives off of our lack of perspective 250 years later. They love the uninformed, disinterested American masses taking pictures of their food, heads buried in their phones, but a quick study of our history and the ideology of the men who built this country, and you see the government ruling over us today is precisely what our founders fear in the Declaration of Independence:
When a long train of abuses and usurpations pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right; it is their duty to throw off such government and to provide new guards for their future security. Whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it and to institute a new government.
“They certainly don’t want you remembering those lines from the Declaration. In just the last few years, we’ve watched our government manipulate science and manipulate reality during a pandemic to force vaccinate its people. Our government weaponized its own Intel agencies against a populist political candidate and has been caught lying about domestic extremism to further its own agenda because every emergency or crisis is a gift for a government that wants more power and less freedom.
“Why do you think we have so many crises? They’re useful. That’s why they’ll never stop talking about January 6, and 30 years it’ll be remembered as our darkest hour. Your grandkids will think it was worse than 911. These people know exactly what they’re doing…”
There is much more.
It’s good to see more non-Faux reports here.
Wonderful article – I’ve made it my habit for many years, to reread the Declaration of Independence on the 4th of July. Every YEAR I see MORE of the SAME offenses which sparked the Revolutionary War.
btw, that is my FAVORITE portion of the Declaration – “it is their right, IT IS THEIR DUTY….”
Rob Schmitt also MY fav snow on Newsmax. I highly recommend his show, is ALWAYS On Target, always eloquent and honest.
The DNC has ALWAYS BEEN The Party of Treason. Go read up on LTC Nathaniel Grigsby – a lifelong friend of Lincoln. His final wishes honored by the AMAZING inscription on his headstone.
Republican Elites have been betraying us for DECADES. IMO, our only BEST hope going forward is to GROW the army of GENUINE MAGA Reps. DC, the Swamp/MSM will NEVER allow a new, productive 3rd party. It’s been tried MANY times. The only possible hope is for MAGA reps to DOMINATE in the GOP. It’s up to WeThePpl to put EVERY GOP Great Betrayer OUT OF WORK.
Democracy doesn’t happen by accident. We have to defend it, fight for it, strengthen it, renew it, so consolidating absolute power from a free people is never easy. It requires a tremendous amount of gaslighting. You have to scream democracy a lot and weaponize multiple agencies in government. Most Americans have never read the Declaration of Independence and have very little connection to the visceral fight for freedom from tyranny that started this great nation.
Will the readers just talk and moan or will we begin to organise and mobilise to protect our hard won freedoms. Maybe the think to do is to organise a new political party with no RINOS or other wokes.
Citing the quote from the Declaration if Independence what about the The Party of Independence.
Sure we could try to retake one of the major parties, but the Democrats are beyond saving. Big money folks, could protect the RINOs, and the Party has a lot of baggage.
If conservative leaders get together in the next 30 days and organise, the Party of Independence can happen. Many experience people would become available with the correct leadership. But time is short!
Note, though, how quickly good people are, for instance flocking to Tucker Carlson. I can think of many who should be part of the forming committee, but we would have to see who will be willing to step up and do something. How arethe real patriots?