A dark-skinned supremacist named Angel Almeida was arrested in 2021 for possessing a firearm and child pornography. The 23-year-old convicted felon from Queens was nicknamed 764. He has several other aliases. The arrest led federal authorities to his global satanic pedophile cult. The cult is an offshoot of an older neo-Nazi organization that aims to destroy Western civilization.
Documents and sources familiar with 764 indicate the group is an offshoot of the Order of Nine Angles (O9A). It is a violent, subversive amalgam of esoteric Hitler worship, Satanism, and Wiccan tenets. American authorities recognize it as a terrorist ideology. The cult is connected to murders and attempted terrorist attacks in countries including the US, Britain, Germany, Canada, and Russia.

The loosely organized commune of perverts targets kids on the Internet. They threaten, intimidate, or blackmail them into recording acts of self-mutilation, animal abuse, sex acts, and even their own suicides, according to an FBI warning issued earlier this month.
Sources told The Guardian that 764 is an outgrowth of an older, larger organization known as the Order of Nine Angles — which the Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD) called a “decentralized, Satanic, neo-Nazi organization” bent on overthrowing Western governments.
That group is known as 09A. They believe the West’s Judeo-Christian heritage corrupts modern society,” according to the ISD, an independent, non-profit human rights organization based in London.
Apart from possessing child pornography, Almeida engages in sexual activities with children.
FBI Assistant Director-in-Charge Michael Driscoll said, “The defendant’s alleged exploitation of minors has been extremely harmful mentally, emotionally, and physically to his victims,” stated United States Attorney Peace. “His possession of a firearm despite a prior felony conviction, combined with his crimes against minors, reflect Almeida’s dangerousness and lack of respect for the law…”
Judge Rachel P. Kovner outlined the content of the attempted child exploitation charges when Almeida appeared in court; Almeida responded with a rant, saying, “What the heck do you even call a minor? You tell me what’s a minor.”
Almeida is diagnosed with “schizophrenic bipolar disorder.” He has never received medication for it. That’s what he told the court.
Almeida is competent to stand trial. His trial is to begin December 4th, and he faces life imprisonment, with a minimum of fifteen years.