Chadwick Moore said that Fox insiders were all banned from saying the name “Tucker” on air. So much for free speech if true!
An anchor for Real America’s Voice, Ed Henry, formerly of Fox News, said, “How is that if you want to be a media company that says we’re for free speech and one of your anchors wants to say, you know, ‘Oh, Tucker just posted a video on Twitter.’ You can’t mention his name. You’re banned from naming Tucker Carlson – Do not mention Tucker on the air. I think it’s absolutely incredible.”
Fox News employees have told me privately that all on-air talent have been banned from saying the name “Tucker” on air.
— Chadwick Moore (@Chadwick_Moore) May 29, 2023
FOX employees have been banned from saying the name “Tucker” on air
— Karli Bonne’ (@KarliBonnita) May 31, 2023
Greg Gutfeld blocked Chadwick Moore after he tweeted that rumor about Fox. It probably didn’t help that he wrote a bio of Tucker.
I guess I’m definitely not on tonight’s show lol. Wow.
— Chadwick Moore (@Chadwick_Moore) May 31, 2023
I guess Greg Gutfeld doesn’t like it when you call out Fox News for their actions. Interesting.
— Brigitte Gabriel (@ACTBrigitte) June 1, 2023
Someone should bring in one of Target’s new trans-friendly swimsuits that are “tuck friendly” and just keep talking about Pride, and how if you’re a “Tucker” then you really should shop at Target! It’s a great store for any Tucker! Tucker, Tucker, Tucker!
What are the Woke going to do when the Red Necks stand up for God and reinforce their beliefs with Guns? This is not going to end well.
Tucker is just a Casualty of Woke Insanity and the Woke want to shut him up. When you shut people up who speak the truth, bad things happen. When you Lie, Bad things happen. When you go after people’s children, really bad things happen!
You would think that the Murdoch’s would just sell FOX, but they are scared to. Why?
Woke-ism is beyond silly, beyond stupid, it’s…………woke-ism