A ruthless criminal on a scooter killed an 87-year-old man walking down the street and shot others while riding through New York City. You just never know when the criminals will get you in New York City. It’s best to stay out of the city if you can.
Since they arrest Good Samaritans like Daniel Penny, no one can come to your rescue.
Mayor Eric Adams describes New York City as the safest major city in the United States.

The murderous monster, a 25-year-old black man, is in custody. He shot four victims in the Brooklyn and Queens boroughs of New York City on Saturday morning, in broad daylight, police say.
When are we going to riot?
The rampage began in Cypress Hills at around 11:10 a.m. when the 25-year-old male suspect shot a 21-year-old man in the shoulder. Around 20 minutes later, the gunman fatally shot an 87-year-old man once in the back on Jamaica Avenue near 108th Street.

The elderly man was transported to Jamaica Hospital and succumbed to his wounds. Police say the gunman also fired randomly at a crowd of people on 108th Street but did not strike anyone.
A 44-year-old man was reportedly shot near 126th Street in the cheek. He was transported to a hospital and remains in critical condition, reports Fox News.
All three survivors are seriously injured.
This is video of the dude that shot people off his moped in NYC the other day. Who tf shoots an 87 year old man in the back? pic.twitter.com/ex0w8Ah9n7
— Hodgetwins (@hodgetwins) July 9, 2023
We all know it….we do not have a race problem in America, we have a problem race! Just stay away from areas with black people in them. Video proof that you just never know with these black people!~
Problem race doing what they do.
I won the “Guess the demographic” game again. Folks, two truths abound in the USSA today. We don’t have a race problem, we have a problem race & state sponsored white genocide is real and is happening now.
Homeslice was “polar bear” hunting….
Choose wisely.
Takin video with your cell phones does not help this gentleman.
Yes, seeing a bleed from an artery pierced lung is scary, massive continuous pressure applied to the wound both front and back was needed asap!
Naggers are the Enemy
I am surprised the guy shoot in the back was not charged with “obstruction” of the murderer’s bullet by the stupid and corrupt da.
Mandatory Public televised stoning until death. It’s the cure. Cut out the cancer.
go ahead dear leftards ! send your paycheck to BLM !
BLM = Burn Loot MURDER
Mandatory Public televised stoning until death. It’s the cure. Cut out the cancer.
The death penalty is needed!
Mandatory Public televised stoning until death. It’s the cure. Cut out the cancer..
Systemic Stupidity and glorified ignorance prevails in ‘certain’ quarters…
Mandatory Public televised stoning until death. It’s the cure. Cut out the cancer.///
A public hanging is easier for everybody to view.