Sen. Feinstein, 90, Forgot How to Roll Call Vote


A befuddled Sen. Dianne Feinstein was caught on a hot mic during the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee roll call vote. She couldn’t remember what to do and had to be told just to say, “Aye.”

Sen. Patty Murray tried to help her along, but for a while Sen. Feinstein had no idea what she meant.

“Just say, ‘Aye,’” Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., told Feinstein.

“Pardon me,” Feinstein responded.

“Aye,” Murray reiterated.

Instead of voting, she went off into a speech.

“I would like to support a ‘yes’ vote on this,” Feinstein said. “It provides $823 billion — that’s an increase of $26 billion for the Department of Defense, and it funds priorities submitted—”

A staff member saved her from herself, whispering in her ear.

“Just say, ‘Aye,’” Murray told Feinstein once more.

“Okay, just…” Feinstein was clueless.

Finally, the light came on, and Feinstein immediately said, “Aye.”

We are a country in decline. We are running a country with aged people with dementia, many of whom hate America.




  1. Feinstein should’ve been gone when it was discovered her long time driver was a Chinese spy. She was way beyond the best used by date then. Another one of a gazzlion reasons for term limits.


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