The hearing with the IRS whistleblower exposed the extent of Joe Biden’s corruption, but the media is completely uninterested. It’s fairly certain that our enemies find the hearings very interesting. As of last night, the three major networks spent 527 minutes on the charges against Donald Trump and zero seconds on Biden’s Burisma bribery scandal.
IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley began his statement this way:
“The Justice Department allowed the President’s political appointees to weigh in on whether to charge the president’s son after the United State’s attorney for D.C., Matthew Graves, appointed by President Biden, refused to bring charges in March 2022; I watched United States Attorney Weiss tell a roomful of senior FBI and IRS senior leaders on October 7th, 2022 that he was not the deciding person, on whether charges were filed.
“That was my red line.”
Gary Shapley testified before Congress today. He believes that Hunter Biden should have had charges brought against him, but the charges disappeared.
The IRS whistleblower testified that Biden appointees refused to charge Hunter for his crimes…
So what will the House GOP do about it other than continue to hold hearings???
— Tim Young (@TimRunsHisMouth) July 19, 2023
This is the full introduction.
IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley’s opening statement on Department of Justice Corruption and the Biden Family’s Crimes:
“I’m here to tell you that the Delaware US Attorney’s Office and Department of Justice’s handling of the Hunter Biden tax investigation was very different from…
— KanekoaTheGreat (@KanekoaTheGreat) July 19, 2023
Biden is compromised. He attended a meeting of the Chinese Communist Party’s energy company, CEFC.
Hunter can be heard on audio threatening an executive at Harvest Fund – a CEFC-linked investment vehicle – Henry Zhao, demanding money. Hunter said his father was in the room as he spoke with Zhao. He received $5 million from the executive days later.
Mr. Shapley was not allowed to see the laptop.
Rep. Gary Palmer: Was there other evidence in this investigation that you were denied access to?
IRS Whistleblower Shapley: “Yes. The Hunter Biden laptop.”
— KanekoaTheGreat (@KanekoaTheGreat) July 19, 2023
There was probable cause, but Mr. Shapley was not allowed to execute a search warrant.
🚨BREAKING: IRS Whistleblower Gary Shapley: “Assistant US attorney Lesley Wolf cited the optics of executing a search warrant at President Biden’s residence as a deciding factor for not allowing it even though she agreed that probable cause existed”
— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) July 19, 2023
Shapley confirmed that Joe Biden did discuss Hunter’s business dealings with him. Biden denies it.
While playing Biden family lawyer, @RepDanGoldman inadvertently prompted IRS Whistleblower Shapley to confirm @POTUS did discuss Chinese business deals with Hunter.
Joe Biden continues to DENY having knowledge of his son’s shady business dealings.
Americans deserve answers.
— Oversight Committee (@GOPoversight) July 19, 2023
Mr. Ziegler backed up the testimony:
BREAKING: The identity of 'Whistleblower X' who claims that Hunter Biden should have been charged with a tax felony has been identified as Joseph Ziegler, a gay Democrat who worked in the IRS investigative division for over a decade.
In his opening statement, Ziegler accuses the…
— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) July 19, 2023
BREAKING: Damning Case Against Joe Biden Was Just Made That He Was a Business Partner of Hunter Biden’s
BIGGS: “Mr. Ziegler … you mentioned that Hunter Biden attempted to obtain a business tax deduction on his return for hotel rooms that were used by his father, Joe Biden.”…
— The Vigilant Fox 🦊 (@VigilantFox) July 19, 2023
Here’s a good summary:
The Hunter Biden hearings tell us a lot of disturbing facts about the process to even get involved with investigating a politically connected family like the Bidens. The Whistleblowers Joeseph Ziegler and Gary Shipley lay out ALL the ways they were hindered & stopped.
— Malcolm FleX – Enigmatic Desperado (@Malcolm_fleX48) July 19, 2023
This testimony was very damning, without theatrics, done professionally.
My buddy’s mother makes $85 per hour working on the computer (Personal Computer). She hasn’t had a job for a long, yet this month she earned 11,500 US dollars by working just on her computer for 9 hours every day. Read this article for more details…
I missed the first 30 min but I watched the whole thing, it lasted something like 5 hours.
It is fascinating how democrats can tell any lie with a straight face, without blinking, as if they were devoid of a conscience ( well of course they have no conscience !)
for example after both James Comey and the Whistle Blowers confirmed they had documents, receipts and SARS from banks confirming the activities, money transfers of Hunter Biden, after they confirmed they had evidence, even some electronic surveilance evidence
At least 3 or 4 Democrats said that republicans had no evidence.
That is insane.
Then there was 3 or 4 black democrats who seemed to believe that whole hearing was about then or was about racism,
as they did not say one word about the topic at hand but told us how blacks are victims of us the evil white racists,
and one of them even showed us some black and white pictures that were 70 years old about a black teenager that was murdered in the 1950s
What do murders of blacks in the 1950s have to do with the Biden crime family selling influence to China or Ukraine ???
One of them mentioned that in the 1990s Trump said the central park 5 should get the death penalty, yes he said that, and I said the exact same thing back then.. and about 500 Million other people said it too…because attacking a female jogger and hitting her with a rock until she stops fighting, then gang raping her while she is unconscious, then laughing about it while telling your friends about it is something that deserves the death penalty
NOTA: I know that a couple years ago they were acquitted but that was a complete fraud…I read about it and they are guilty that is 100% certain… the people who got them acquitted are corrupt anti Trump democrats who hate whites…they paid a criminal to lie and claim he was there and did it , then found a corrupt judge and so on and so forth…then Netflix ( where corrupt anti-white hating democrats work such as Suzan Rice ) made an endearing totally false version of events where the 5 are sweet little angels and the cops are monsters……the whole thing is a scam. they are guilty.
The dishonest dems are reciting familiar talking points presented to them. They have nothing. The guilt of the Bidens is not debatable.