The Appointment of David Weiss as Special Counsel Is Illegal


David Weiss

Update: it looks like Attorney General Garland might be legally allowed to appoint a sitting US, Attorney General, a special counsel. However, Cornell law strongly recommends to be someone from the outside. Garland not only ignored that, he appointed someone politically invested.

The appointment of Delaware US Attorney David Weiss as Special Counsel on the Hunter Biden corruption case is illegal under statute 600.3. A person in government cannot serve as special counsel.

Therefore, arrest Merrick Garland for breaking the law. Do something, GOP.


David Weiss is the person who gave Hunter a sweetheart deal.

He is the one who let the statute of limitations run out on Burisma.

As Special Counsel, he can stifle the House investigation.

The Special Counsel can also apply to any court to adjudicate this case.

David Weiss also won’t have to testify before Congress.

And as Andy McCarthy said, there was no reason to appoint a Special Counsel.

Let’s not forget the IRS whistleblowers.

Two whistleblowers, Joseph Ziegler, and Gary Shapley, claimed the Biden Department of Justice (DOJ) interfered in the criminal investigation into Hunter. According to their testimony, the DOJ frequently delayed proceedings, lacked transparency, and defended Hunter against tax liability claims despite clear evidence.

They alleged that the DOJ gave preferential treatment to Hunter Biden and attempts by David Weiss to charge Hunter were stifled. There was a DOJ campaign to “delay, divulge, and deny. It kept the case in limbo.


via Liberty Daily



  1. That’s a great point, I missed it.

    I think it is also a huge conflict of interest, which is also illegal. He is situated in Delaware and has Biden ties. He also had been “investigating” the Bidens and decided on no action. I recall the Mueller appointment was illegal, according to the word of the law, due to his close association with Comey and related matters. Mueller was not at all independent, and neither is Weiss.

    The one thing the corrupt RINOs cannot do is – something.

    Notice that Comer is now whining about not being able to investigate (something he has not been doing, he has no actual investigative team) because of this special counsel. There is no law stopping him, the legislative branch has Constitutional oversight, there is not law preventing him from investigating. Oh poor poor Comer has another excuse now to not do his job.


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