This is the only thing that will save America from becoming a Third World Hellhole – mass deportations. Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis promise mass deportations of the millions of anonymous illegal aliens who have flooded our border.
I don’t know how they can do it, but the promise is a good beginning. They both have followed through on their promises to the best of their ability.
I agree if you prefer Donald Trump, but I think Ron DeSantis could be a second choice. I don’t watch the lies going back and forth to cancel the other. I am worried about the United States and ALL the American people. Of course, I care about Ukrainian and Israeli people, but I care first about my country and fellow Americans, especially the children.
I am worried they will cancel Donald Trump, and we need a fallback position. This is too important. With these millions, the fascist Progressive Democrats will have one-party rule, and you can kiss America goodbye. It won’t be normal Democrats running the show, and Republicans will never win another election.
Of course, Republicans have to take the presidency, the House, and the Senate.
America First!
Ron DeSantis has promised to enact mass deportations of at least 6-7 million illegal migrants, starting with those who came in under Joe Biden
— Florida’s Voice (@FLVoiceNews) October 7, 2023
This is the UK, and they need to begin deportations also:
At Speaker's Corner, Hyde Park an Indian heritage Christian is engaged in conversation with a Muslim.
The Muslims says, "any Christian, any Jew, I hate you all for the sake of Allah. If we were at war I would chop your head off."
— David Atherton (@DaveAtherton20) October 12, 2023
I don’t think the title of your article matches the content lol. Just kidding, mainly because I had some doubts after reading the article.
It is not necessary to round up and deport the vast majority of the illegal aliens here. One: No social welfare benefits of any kind. Two: Remove their ability to work, rent housing, or access any kind of service. Three: Aggressively prosecute and imprison, plus financially ruin anyone who knowingly aids and abets an illegal alien in being here (hires, houses, hides, etc). If this means arresting elected officials who flout the law, so be it. It is, in fact, long-standing law. If they are unable to work, find a place to live, access social benefits, enroll their kids in school, get anything except stabilizing emergency medical care… get the idea. They will self-deport. Also, end birthright citizenship and chain migration.
And then you woke up. I had the same dream.
Trump and DeSantis are the only two Republicans who’ve been in the corrupt media crosshairs, and done much of what they said they were going to do. Give either one both houses of Congress and let’s see what happens. If Ike could do it, why not either of those two? Tragically, that deportation path could be cleared by border crosser terrorists striking here.
DeSantis is gonna go by the Bush deep state playbook. You know he won’t actually send illegals back once the heat is on.
The ONLY person who can pull this nation out of the sewer pit that the slimy, lying, cheating, crooked DemocRATS and put it into is Donald J. Trump. He must be put back into the WH to save this nation.
TRUMP 2024!
don’t forget the uniparty RINO’s are just as guilty
Right on!
If Eisenhower did it, then it can obviously be done. Operation Wetback.
Every muslim on Earth needs to be put down like the rabid dogs they are.
A pile of sick bastards!