Sen. Tommy Tuberville (Alabama) is fighting the good fight, even against his own Republican Party. He’s fighting against extreme abortion measures in the military that taxpayers would have to fund. About 300 military promotions are held up, but I’m willing to bet most are far-left. There is no sense in digging the leftists deeper into the military. Meanwhile, Nikki Haley is harshly criticizing Sen. Tuberville.
“We don’t need to be using military families as political pawns,” Haley said in an interview on CNN’s “State of the Union,” playing to the audience as if any Democrat who watches CNN would vote for her. “That’s a mistake…the military members and families – they sacrifice enough. They don’t need to be a pawn in Congress. But look at the political games that continue to play.”
“Because you have to do these things through Congress, we have three branches of government for a reason,” Haley said. “You can’t slip something in there like that and think that Congress is not going to be upset.”
“If you’re going to talk about tradition, shouldn’t the Department of Defense do things the right way so we’re never in this mess to start with?” Haley said. “Let’s, I mean, let’s call it like we see it – Department of Defense started this. I’m not saying Sen. Tuberville is right and doing this because I don’t want to use them as pawns.”
“But if you love our military, if you are so adamant about it, then go and make Congress – Republicans and Democrats – have to go through person by person. Do you honestly think they won’t say, ‘Okay, this is ridiculous, let’s put an end to it,’? They will,” she continued.
I would never vote for her because she’s simply more of what got us into this situation. She’s another politician lacking the sense and fight needed for the job. Putting her in office is surrender. I’d rather write someone in.
nickie go crawl back under your rock
She does not seem to be sensible. I do not love our military, I never did, but neocons like her do. At this point, I despise the military. Haley is a calculating person. She decided on her formula to win, and that includes relentless support to US adventurism. She is artificial.
You can get a much better picture of what the fine Senator Tuberville is doing if you watch OAN. He had a real interview there, not a Faux News sound bite.
He shows that the US military is very top heavy compared to WW2, with worse results. Our military was larger than it is now during WW2, with 1/4 of the high level officers. We have generals riding in limos and working in lavish Pentagon suites who make no contribution. Most of the high level positions under question already have the people temporarily assigned to the post. Tuberville wins the argument outright.
Will the “real” Nikki Haley please stand up? She is, as folks might say, transactional.