Tijuana Mayor Mocks the US With a Slab of Berlin Wall at US Border


The Tijuana, Mexico Mayor has a message for the United States –  he wants to embarrass the US into keeping the borders open. He placed the remains of a Berlin Wall steps away from a US wall.

Berlin Wall

The large gray concrete slab was placed between a bullring, a lighthouse and the border wall, which extends into the Pacific Ocean.

“May this be a lesson to build a society that knocks down walls and builds bridges,” reads the inscription below the towering Cold War relic, attributed to Tijuana Mayor Montserrat Caballero and titled, “A World Without Walls.”

They don’t want any limitations to their drug business.

What gall. Biden undoubtedly agrees. Biden’s very existence as president is Progessive Democrats mocking Americans.

Ironically, the Berlin Wall was to keep people imprisoned, while the US wall is to protect US citizens. It also doesn’t keep people out as long as they meet some minimum requirements, like not being drug lords.



  1. The Berlin Wall was to keep enslaved people from escaping to freedom.
    The Border Wall keeps unwanted aliens (including criminals) from entering and stops contraband. No person is denied exist (except criminals trying to escape justice). The mayor is actually making a fool of himself as an ignorant bitter man.

    I certainly find no offence in his actions, only sad humour.

    • Exactly how I see it, it is ironic and pathetic….only a real moron would go for it…so I guess he is pitching it at Democrats in the USA and/or attempting to gain “face” at home despite the disaster which is his area of responsibilities..or it’s just that he is a real moron himself…


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