Tucker Addresses the Summer of Pride with Admiral Levine


Tucker gave a short monologue today on Rachel Levine, who was once Rick Levine. Rick was a student at Belmont Hill at the same time as Mark Milley. Rick was married with children until he became Rachel and eventually Admiral Levine, the Assistant Secretary for Health at the US Department of Health and Human Services.

S/he recently declared this summer – the summer of Pride – and wished everyone a Happy Summer of Pride.

Assistant Secretary for Health and Human Services Rachel Levine

Tucker blasted the absurdity of it all in five minutes this afternoon. He mocked pride and the proud Rachel Levine.

After mentioning Rachel’s wife and children, he said, “We’re going to assume that his former family is proud, and why wouldn’t they be?  Few Americans in our history have come as far as Rick Levine. Here’s a fat guy in a Halloween costume who somehow became a federal health minister. Not a small thing. “

“Not too long ago, this same man was a married pediatrician with kids lecturing about eating disorders at Penn State. Now he’s emerged as a path-breaking lady Admiral with medals on his chest, and he did all of that without winning a single naval battle or even being female.

“It’s pretty inspiring. What we have here is living proof that in this country, you really can be whatever you want to be. If Rick Levine can become Admiral Rachel, why can’t you be Napoleon or Lord Mountbatten, the last viceroy of India? Ever see that guy’s uniform?…”

What is going on in this country is crazy, and Tucker exposes that in his inimitable way. [I think people who follow along as if this wasn’t crazy are living under a mass delusion or fear of retaliation. It has to stop.]

People have been suspended or lost jobs for calling Rachel a man.

Rachel Levine, who lived most of her life as a man.
We’ve been this way before:



  1. Thanks for posting this and all the other informative articles. Especially the Tucker segments, which I can no longer watch since Musk has blocked non-twitter users from viewing tweets…

  2. Levine is a mentally ill perverted and evil person. His movement of his mother from a nursing home to a nice hotel, while he worked to fill nursing homes with infected and untreated people, makes him complicit in murders. Tucker did very well embarrassing this monsters.

  3. “What is going on in this country is crazy, and Tucker exposes that in his inimitable way. [I think people who follow along as if this wasn’t crazy are living under a mass delusion or fear of retaliation. It has to stop.]”

    AS usual M. Dowling is correct.
    But just reading and learning from her is not enough.

    Each of us become politically active. Join a party. Become an active worker/advocate. Help get the correct person nominated at all levels of government.
    Join a party.
    I joined the Republicans and soo headed up a precinct. A regular newsletter. Door-to-door visits. Even in primaries I helped turn out voters in the 90+% range.
    Usually my favored candidate won. I also helped get rid of a corrupt Republican office holder who stole $2 million. We can make a difference when we get active.
    From Australia I still vote, write letters and support candidates.

    Do you care enough to get involved?


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