Tucker’s New Episode on the Horrors in Ukraine – Partial Transcript Added


Tucker’s new episode deals with the horrors in Ukraine. The Western media and our administration are lying to us. Ukraine is losing badly, and they are running out of soldiers. This administration plans to send our military into the country. We are on the brink of a catastrophic war that could well destroy us.

Col. Douglas Macgregor said about 400,000 Ukrainian soldiers were killed. Many in the Ukraine army surrender because they can’t fight any longer.

Biden’s administration won’t stop the killing.

Please watch:



“Pretty much everything NBC News and the NY Times tell you about the war in Ukraine is a lie. The Russian army is incompetent; they claim Ukraine is a democracy, Vladimir Putin is Hitler, and he’s trying to take over the world. Thankfully, the Ukrainians are winning.

“None of that is true. Every claim is false. The last one especially. The Ukrainian army is not winning. In fact, it’s losing badly. Ukraine is being destroyed. Its population is being slaughtered in lopsided battles with the technologically superior enemy or scattered by the millions to the rest of the globe.

“Ukraine is running out of soldiers; as that happens, the question will inevitably arise who’s going to replace them if the Ukrainians can’t beat Putin. Who will? The answer, of course, will be us. American troops will fight the Russian army in Eastern Europe, that’s most likely, and the assumption is we’ll win, but will we win?

“No, probably not, says former army Colonel Douglas McGregor, a decorated combat veteran who advised the Secretary of Defense in the last administration. The US says McGregor is on the brink of a catastrophic war that could very easily destroy us. Few Americans seem to understand that, but they should. Doug Macgregor is now the CEO of Our Country, Our Choice, and we sat down with him.”

Tucker asked him to describe the state of the war in Ukraine right now.


“That’s an important question, and not enough people have good answers. At this point, I think all of the lies that have been told for more than a year and a half about the Ukrainians winning, the Ukrainian cause is just, the Russians are evil, the Russians are incompetent, and all of that is collapsing. It’s collapsing because what’s happening on the battlefield is horrific.

“Ukrainians, now we think, have lost 400,000 men killed in battle. We were talking about three hundred, 350,000, a few months ago … in the last months of this supposed counter-offensive, which was to sweep the battlefield. They lost at least 400,000 killed. We don’t even know how many people have been wounded, but we know that probably upwards of 40 to 50,000 soldiers are amputees.

“We know the hospitals are full and we know that Ukrainian units at the platoon and company level, that’s with anywhere from 50 to 150 to 200 men, are in piecemeal fashion surrendering to the Russians, not because they don’t want to fight. It’s because they can’t fight anymore.

“They had so many wounded, they can’t evacuate them, and commanders are saying, ‘well, if I can’t evacuate my wounded, I’m going to surrender because otherwise, the wounded will die,’ and so they call the Russians, and they all speak Russian and tell them on the radio, ‘look I’ve got 50-60 wounded here. I’m going to surrender because I don’t want them to be killed.’ And the Russians, from the very beginning, have always treated the Ukrainian soldiers very fairly and very gently, so they know they’re not going to be abused or mistreated.

“They know they can actually be exchanged for Russian prisoners in the future, so they’ve surrendered. And I think we’re going to see this army that we’ve been spending so heavily on increasingly melt away.

“And at the same time, as we’re talking, if you look at this long banana-shaped strip of territory in southern Ukraine that the Russians control, if you go to the northeastern corner of that, south of the city called Kharkiv, there are major offensive operations taking place there right now. And Ukrainian forces are being swept away in front of the Russians.

“…again all of this, all of this happens in a way that is just not reported in the West, and in the meantime, rather than admit that this is a terrible tragedy that should be ended on humanitarian grounds if no other, that the killing should stop as President Trump said, ‘Stop the killing’, we’re going to continue, which puts the Russians in the unhappy position of marching further West because, from the very beginning, Putin and his advisers were never interested in a war with NATO or the United States.

“That’s why you’ve had such incrementalism – a slow grind of movement forward defensive operations for a long period to build up the force and then continued offensive operations. They have over 300,000 combat troops and reserves in Russia, and I think they’re sitting there and not being released to fight because President Putin anticipates the possibility that we will intervene in western Ukraine. And if we intervene in western Ukraine, the Russians will be ready for that, and the consequences for us and for NATO will be devastating because we are not ready.”

At about five minutes, he explains why we’re not ready to fight Russia, and it’s deeply concerning.  There has “been a steady decline in discipline.”

He went into depth on the U.S. basing things on race and pushing incompetents up the ranks. There’s “no easy fix,” and “they’ll become giant fissures if we go to war,” The Colonel said. We’re back “in the late 70s” and don’t know what “right looks like.” Since 2001, the actual fighting has been on a minor scale. They didn’t fight anyone who fought back. Americans – 87% – died in Afghanistan from explosives.

We also don’t have state-of-the-art equipment, and we aren’t replacing equipment with state-of-the-art equipment. He went into detail to explain. He gave one example – we still use a turbine engine in M1 tanks instead of diesel-electric.

The Russian war goals have changed dramatically since Minsk 2 was revealed to be a hoax. To end the war, Russia will minimally require most of Rump Ukraine to remain neutral.

He said Ukraine is more corrupt than Mexico. Fourteen million Ukrainians have left and will never go back. The agriculture corporations will want to get control, but the war will end with the complete destruction of Ukraine.

Col Macgregor described the people in charge and he didn’t have kind words for George W., who called President Zelensky ‘George Washington’. He didn’t have kind words for any of those in charge. The Colonel explained how much stronger Russia had become during this war and added again that about 400,000 Ukrainians died and 40,000 to 50,000 Russians died.

Ukrainians can’t defeat what Russians have built – intelligence, missiles [strike weapons], and so much more.

Russia has about 750,000 troops in or around Ukraine. Another one million-plus are on call because Putin and the Russians are convinced they will have to fight the US and its allies.

Macgregor described “the well-organized [Russian] machine “grinding everything up in front of it.”

Tucker asked Colonel Macgregor about our alleged space-age military technology. It’s apparently not all that.

The Colonel said that a lot of the equipment we sent is obsolete. It’s very old. We sent a few new items, but not much. He said, for instance, we sent 33 Patriot missiles. For every target, we need to shoot two missiles, which means that in a few days, 33 missiles will be gone.

He explained that Russia is preparing for a full-scale war with the West.

“I would expect up to 1.2 million [soldiers] and people are being called out of universities. People … now working the universities to become engineers, architects, mathematicians, whatever, they’re being pulled out, putting on uniforms, and ready, because again our intransigence, our demonstrated hatred and hostility for Moscow and for Russia has convinced the Russian people, as well as the leadership in Moscow that they are going to have to fight us and anyone who is allied with us. So they’re preparing for that eventuality.

“That’s why it’s so important that we have to wake up and understand what we’ve done has backfired. Whatever we set out to achieve has failed… what we need to do now is stop this and come to a settlement that we may not like, but it needs to happen, and soon, before this thing is out of control.

“Eventually, keep this up, and within the next 6-8 months, you’ll see hundreds of thousands of Russian troops on the Polish border. That is not what we set out to achieve.”

As Col. Macgregor said, Mitch McConnell is up on the Hill lying about the state of the war and the US capabilities. All of the precision we once had over Russia and China is lost. Anything we can do, they can do. The money given to the military is wasted. We send money to the industry, and they send it to PACS, and that money goes to DC.

We left $80 billion in equipment in Afghanistan, and now it’s showing up in Mexico and all over the globe.

He also explained how top-heavy our military is. It’s stunning and starts at about 30 minutes. The weakness of our military took up several minutes. It’s very troubling.

They discussed Chris Christie pushing for more war and more money for Ukraine, and showed a clip of his ridiculous statements.

They also talked about the Uniparty and the worthlessness of the swamp. He sees nothing good coming from any candidates.

Tucker played the clip of a lunatic at 47 minutes pushing for the full liberation of Ukraine. The person is an American leftist male dressed as a woman, serving as a spokesperson for Ukraine. Tucker said it’s a convergence of every ugly anti-human trend in modern…

Macgregor said about 60,000 Ukrainian children have vanished and told us to think of all the women sold into prostitution. You might want to watch the last few minutes.




  1. Can we get to 2024 election where Trump replaces the corrupt globalist puppets before US / NATO push too far in turn engaging in WW3? Pray for peace and Trump to throw out the DS players!

    • We may not get to a 2024 election the way things are going. One of the options I think the Biden-gang have in their back pocket is to bring the USA into a full conflict with Russia. As Colonel Macgregor is quoted saying in this vital interview, “the war will come here” –and this is what the communists running DC are probably hoping for–a war with possible limited nuclear strikes on the USA causing so much chaos and consternation that elections would be impossible and ‘they/them’ in DC would begin to rule by decree and executive orders, permanently tossing the US constitution into the ash can. This is not far fetched. This is a distinct possibility now..

  2. My understanding, is that the Jews, have long planned to take part of the Ukraine, for themselves !!! Follow the money and see, who is making it possible, for them to do this !!! The truth will come out in the end !!!

    • Your “understanding” is obviously limited. Maybe you should just get off the internet since you are incapable of distinguishing fantasy from reality.

      • cui bono (who profits)? 400,000 ukrainians and 40 thousand russians dead, mostly Christians I would guess. hundreds of billions of dollars changing hands. if our soldiers get involved, more dead Christians.
        it is not the “tiny hat” people or “the tribe” dying by the hundreds of thousands. we know who runs our government, MSM, Hollywood, Wall Street and such. in closing, thank you for your fine work. our opinions simply differ. respectfully, richard s.

  3. Victoria Noodleman Nuland married to a Kagan. Which in Kazaria was like a Prince. Elena Kagan on the Supreme Court. Not a cohencidence.

  4. This is the most important article that the IS has published. It deserves to be distributed everywhere. When will the people of Ukraine finally wake up and realize who their real enemies are? Kiev didn’t promise any miracles. All were fully aware the Russians had constructed three lines of defense against any Ukrainian attack. They knew there was NO air support. what occurred was  a brutal murder of 43,000 young  males in a senseless attack that all knew was going to fail. It was and continues to be a slaughter, and the slaughter continues with the objective of the Kiev leadership and their Obiden Junta masters of depopulating the Ukraine so its male population can be replaced by hordes of Africans already invading Western  
    BILD failed to report a key  piece of information and that is these armored vehicles are death traps.They Were designed to fight wars like in Afghanistan and Iraq with lightly armed combatants with rather low-tech weapons.Even they did not work as well as advertised. They’re nearly useless in combat against Russia’s highly organized, battle hardened military armed with weapons that clearly are superior to those  supplied to Ukraine by the West. IntelSlava reports Ukrainians abandoning the armor because of  their vulnerability to artillery, drones and other weapons. As I have said before, the USA does not design weapons to win wars, they never do, but to line the pockets of the war mongers and the politicians that appropriate the money. 

    • Consider the force Iraq had, which couldn’t come close to Ukraine, and the vast military deployment involved in securing that country. From the start Ukraine didn’t have a chance against such a formidable enemy. Their situation is closer to Iraq when the US invaded and Russia has the superiority that US had in Iraq. If the Pentagon couldn’t see that disparity then something else is going on, presumably the truth about the many foreign actors who were skimming money from Ukraine. The West keeps sending in equipment as if Zelensky has the info on those who have been feeding on the corruption.

    • John,

      I agree with all you say bar one point: I think the little maggot Zelensky’s REAL agenda is, yes, de-populating Ukraine, but not to make way for hordes of afreakoons. They want to re-populate it with Israelis and run the country ‘along Israeli lines’.

      Remember Kissinger said, ‘Israel will not exist in 10 years’. and bear in mind 80%
      of the people who identify as Jews CAME FROM KHAZARIA.

      Can you imagine what Putin thinks of having an Israeli state right on his border?

      • You really don’t know what the hell you’re talking about. The Khazars were Not Jews but self-described converts. Apparently few of your type are unaware that Jews can trace lineage back to biblical times.

        Obviously you know little of Putin’s opinion of Jews and Israel.

        • hundreds of years ago, russia kicked the Kazarian joos out of Ukraine or where ever. they never forgot. when the Bolsheviks took over Russia, they killed hundreds of millions of Russian Orthodox Christians. a majority of the Bolsheviks were…guess….joos.
          even our Lord Jesus Christ said when he spoke about the 7 churches,
          He described one which was fake, and the “synagogue of Satan.” the joos did not mind His preaching and healing. but when He cast out the money changers from the temple, He had to be dealt with. the joos had the romans do their dirty work. lesson learned; NEVER get between a joo and his money.

          • Khazars are not Jews you idiot. We all know the atrocities committed by those of Your religion, from blood libels to burning Holy books to pogroms. They’ve been doing that for about 1500 years.

            “Hundreds of Millions”. Was there a single person left in Russia.

        • Rabbi Schneerson (magical 7th Chabad boss), in the 1980s, expressed the desire to “clear Ukraine of Slavs” and “drive the survivors to the far North”.

          So it seems there is a Jewish plan to destroy the Ukrainian people. Jewish groups actually plan to establish an area in Ukraine called “New Jerusalem” – and it’s a Ukrainian-free zone. Sort of like a Northern Palestine. They still hate the Rus for supposedly evicting them 1000 years ago.

          Jew haters don’t have any power. They can’t even have a web site.

          Goy haters are out in full force though. They have plenty of web sites, TV channels, armies, nukes, banks, and control the US government.

          Jew haters have zero power. Why are you pretending to be worried about them?

          Prove me wrong Greg.

          • Just because it’s on the internet it must be true, Right? Funny how Chabad and Putin have a very good relationship. In fact, Putin bought his caretaker of his youth a house in Israel. Clearly you know absolutely Nothing about Chabad and how Ukraine is viewed. Ukraine is actually revered among the vast majority of Jews because of its history and many make a pilgrimage there every year. But Jew haters will always be among us with their libels. It’s nothing new.

    • there is a difference. Fake joos, as you said, “converts.” historically, they converted centuries ago for convenience. the fakes which russia kicked out centuries ago were satan worshippers. our Lord said that Jews are His chosen people and He does not lie. many simply pose as joos to claim eternal victimhood for sympathy. they give real Jews a bad name. for me, I believe what our Lord said, that He would bless those who bless Israel, and curse those who curse Israel, and He could not have been clearer. again, there is a difference.

      • True converts Are Jews but with certain very minor restrictions. If a person has a Jewish mother then that person IS a Jew. There are a number of well-know ‘Jews’ who do not fit that criteria.

  5. Soros and Nuland who overthrew the elected Uke government in 2014. Both are senior mossad officers. Israel loves this war.

  6. Do the research and know what is really happening and why before making comments that just exposes ignorance and laziness. If there is nothing to say that adds value then stay quiet. Think before typing…

  7. Putin would have never invaded Ukraine if President Trump was still our president. AndBriben’s weakness was the catalyst that emboldened Putin to invade Ukraine and the best way out of this quagmire would be for Russians to assassinate Putin.

    • It’s clear to me that the west blocked the agreement made between Russia and Ukraine just before the war began, causing the war. And that the west has continued to block negotiations. The last offer from the west was for Russia to leave and return all territory. We want the winners to declare defeat, after we instigated them for 8 years?

    • “the best way out of this quagmire would be for Russians to assassinate Putin.”

      Putin is the most Western friendly leader of Russia possible, all the potential successor candiates are more hardline. Putin is seen as weak/soft on Ukraine. The best way out is for the anti-American coup (the Biden rigged election in 2020, really Obama’s 3rd term) that backed the violent overthrow of the legal government of the Ukraine in 2014 to be themselves jailed for domestic treason/crimes. Russia should be the ally of the USA, when the USA is run for and by Americans (not Democrats). A strong Russia capable of resisting the USA whenever the evil Democrats are in power is in best interests of the entire human race.

    • American veteran here. Been doing Russia round the clock for 25 years. This war was manufactured as one more front in a global assault to exterminate White Christians. Do a headcount of the State Department actors who engineered Maidan and Donbas genocide: A dramatis personae reads like a Tel Aviv phone book.
      Just like Covid, Communism, 9/11, World Wars, JFK, RFK, Election Fraud, Gun Control. Endless economic predation. School shootings. School wrecking. Cardiovascular pandemic.
      They are The Destroyers. Maurice Samuel boasted of it.

      See Schneerson Quote.

    • Russia invaded Ukraine because of 7 years of Ukrainians shelling the majority Russian areas of the Donbass which killed thousands of civilians. This was sponsored by Nato. Trump was in for four years and didn’t stop the shelling. Putin put up with this aggression for 7 years and finally acted to protect his fellow Russians. He is completely justified to do this under international law, hence he has the support of the majority of the world’s countries. Your calling for Putin to be assassinated shows you have a five year old boy’s understanding of the world. You should run for congress because you would feel comfortable being among infantile minds like your own.

      • Written by Timothy Fitzpatrick; can’t find this guy to verify who he is anywhere. Who is he? That article was written Nov 8, 2016 election day. The website is no longer up. Many of the bibliography sites don’t exist anymore. I think it’s left hit piece.

    • What you really mean is that the CIA would have PUtin Assassinated, right? Putin is loved by his countrymen. Have you considered the consequences of Putin being removed and another far more likely to push the button takes over. Do you have a death wish? If so, please confine t to yourself.


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