US-Hating Ben & Jerry Likely Cost Unilever $2.5B


Ben & Jerry of the eponymous ice cream company spent July 4th telling people the United States was stolen from Indigenous people, and we must return the land. They also want Mt. Rushmore destroyed. They didn’t get their wish, but their ice cream cost Unilever $2.5 billion in market shares.

“The faces on Mount Rushmore are the faces of men who actively worked to destroy Indigenous cultures and ways of life, to deny Indigenous people their basic rights,” the post on their website alleged.

The only holiday for Independence they will honor is Juneteenth, a depressing day to remember slavery.

They want to defund the police, and they make workers watch anti-Israel films.

They have always been America-hating Marxists, and this is nothing new for them, but it hit a chord this time. Conservatives who are normally opposed to boycotts have had enough.

John Rich was among the more famous people calling for a boycott.

“Make @benndjerrys Bud Light again,” country singer-songwriter John Rich wrote in response, responding to the several-week-long boycott targeting Bud Light that has seen the beer company’s year-over-year sales plummet. While Bud Light didn’t attack the founding of the United States, the company was panned for producing a can of beer with transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney’s face on it.

Jerry Greenfield (l) and Ben Cohen
The Epoch Times

Unilever stock lost about $2 billion in market capitalization amid calls to boycott Ben & Jerry’s ice cream after the company posted a Fourth of July message saying the United States should hand Mount Rushmore over to Native Americans.

Shares of Unilever, the Anglo-Dutch multinational company, dropped about 0.5 percent on Friday, 0.8 percent on Thursday, and 0.5 the previous day. It’s not clear if the drop was due to the calls to boycott Ben & Jerry’s, which has been owned by Unilever since 2000.

The loss is now up to $2.5 billion. Keep it up. I don’t think boycotts are American, but these people aren’t American, so let’s do it. It’s easy to boycott ice cream. There are so many good ice cream companies. We don’t need them.




  1. How many products does Unilever own? Think they won’t make up the loss by increasing the wholesale price of their products to the retailers who then increase the price to the consumer? Even Ray Charles could see that.

  2. I boycotted Ben & Jerry’s a long time ago when I learned about their radical political positions. Same with Starbucks. And it’s hypocritical how these socialist, possibly Marxist leaders of these companies charge way more money for their product than their competition. It’s even more hypocritical that Starbucks fought being unionized. I thought leftists loved unions. But just not their businesses being unionized.

  3. “Keep it up. I don’t think boycotts are American, but these people aren’t American, so let’s do it. It’s easy to boycott ice cream. There are so many good ice cream companies. We don’t need them.”

    You have brilliantly caught the patriotic American spirit that supports the first amendment.
    Born in 1944, I grew up often hearing the saying: While I disagree with what you are saying, I will fight to he death to defend your freedom to say it.

    It is a defence of the 1st amendment.

    It is the intolerance of the left that has caused many to say: enough is enough!

    John Locke, English philosopher – Often credited with developing the philosophy that inspired the writers of the Declaration of Independence and the US constitution.

    In “Letters Concerning Toleration” Locke pleaded for toleration of all people. He excluded from toleration:

               1. Oath breakers.

               2. Traitors (citizens who gave their allegiance to another government).

               3. Atheists – denying God they rob oaths and covenants of meaning.

               4. The intolerant.

  4. These two eff-ay-gees have been pushing the leftist swish agenda since the day, 45 years ago, they filled their first round cardboard box with insanely over-priced ice cream. And yet the whole country went ga-ga over them, and couldn’t buy and eat their garbage fast enough.

    Yet, here, today, all of a sudden, when they bullhorn out yet just one more tiresome and provoking statement, no different from anything else they have ever said/promoted, everybody feigns shock and horror.

    Where the heck have the people of this country been these past fifty or sixty years? Out partying and havin’ a good ol’ time, I guess … playing their little fiddles while Rome burns and burns and burns. But the virtue signaling is becoming the style of the day for the “right,” too, as they now pretend to be amazed and appalled at how destroyed everything is.

    • You have posted some excellent material in the past, but his ignorant rant is disgusting!
      Instead of carefully reading M. Dowling words of wisdom and supporting her excellent explanation of the question you proposed, you , without wisdom or understanding, just simply got up on your soapbox and sounded like some of the people at Hyde Park Speaker’s corner in London and attacked most of the readers of this site.

    • It is true it took decades for conservatives to open their eyes to what the left is doing to the USA ( and to the entire Western Civilization ) and to finally start fighting back,

      but on the up side ,

      It is a positive thing that conservatives are making Bud, Disney, Ben&Jerry and all those other woke leftist idiots pay a price.

      Elections are rigged, but they cannot rig where the public spend their money.


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