Air Force veteran who also worked in intelligence says US government retrieved alien spacecraft and hid it. “There’s a sophisticated disinformation campaign targeting the US public”.
A new report from the Debrief reveals that a whistleblower who served as a top official in intellligence has given “Congress and the Intelligence Community Inspector General extensive classified information about deeply covert programs that he says possess retrieved intact and partially intact craft of non-human origin.”
There are multiple whistleblowers confirming the information. The American public has been lied to for decades.
David Charles Grusch, a decorated former combat officer and Air Force veteran, claims that secret U.S. military programs have been retrieving vehicles of “non-human origin” for several decades.
Grusch’s explosive interview first aired on News Nation.
The Air Force whistleblower has served in various intelligence roles, including as a representative to Congress’ Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force Grusch spoke with NewsNation Monday.
He said they retrieved non-human origin technical vehicles, non-human exotic origin vehicles that have either landed or crashed.
News Nation Report:
A former U.S. intelligence officer claims a classified program has recovered UFO wreckage of “nonhuman origin.” @rosscoulthart and @BrianEntin report on why the Air Force veteran is taking his claims to Congress: #VargasReports
— NewsNation (@NewsNation) June 6, 2023
Matt Walsh Discussed It:
Intelligence officials say the U.S. has retrieved craft of non-human origin.
We are not alone in the universe but somehow I still feel alone as a UFO enthusiast.
— The Matt Walsh Show (@MattWalshShow) June 6, 2023
As the mass insanity proliferates damaging the society it stands to reason so will this obsession with UFOs increase. ‘Highly decorated’ officials will admit the same thing us lesser types would say. If these things exist then they pose no threat to national security.
Pure bullshit on a cracker.
I believe fully about the government lying to us for decades. After that, meh.
BS, there are no non-human crafts. The earth is PROVABLY not a globe but a plane of existence with a dome. Nothing has ever gone to space and nothing has ever come from space. False narratives and indoctrination abound in our schooling.
Truman Show!
Chee. Crash aircraft, eh? Imagine coming all those thousands of light years and then flubbing it. Truly tragic. Probably those aliens fled the crash, since no bodies have been found, and are running The UN and White House
I’m somewhat surprised by all the skeptics, here. This is a site with very informed readers. Smart people! Skepticism is always a great place to start. Science requires skepticism until proven. But at this point, I’ve seen enough credible video evidence, and interviews with very credible witnesses. At some point, I realized there is so much evidence that it overcame my skepticism. This non-human technology exists, and it makes our best fighter jets look like toys in an antique store. I just wonder how much of it is “manned” by some biological pilot, or is it like a drone used to explore potentially useful planets?
Ugh, you have been bamboozled with no evidence. You have seen no credible evidence- instead, manufactured lies. The earth is a plane and not a globe, there is no space to get to. This is provable wheras a globe earth and space are not.
Until I’m actually abducted or see an alien with my own two eyes, it’s all bs.
Another Bob Lazar in the making. I know very little of Matt Walsh but this certainly makes me doubt him on other matters. I couldn’t even watch half of it.
So, little green men traveled countless light years, avoiding any and all obstacles, Only to crash here on earth. I guess they found us by watching old TV shows that eventually made it to their system, or, maybe they have sub-space communications.
It makes more sense that the Federal Government, which he was part of, is seeking astronomical budget increases and what better way than devising something so many will accept blindly. The next step is to create a threat that requires massive spending and Congress will be dumb enough to fund it fully. We are seeing in ‘real-time’ that our sophisticated weapons are accomplishing very little in Ukraine so it’s time to up the ante. We will need a “new generation” of weaponry.
So very odd that “flying saucers” only first began to “appear” right around the time we entered the age of rocketry (which Germany first experimented with in 1944 when they launched their V2s at London). As an enthusiastic reader of history, never in all my reading, no matter where on the globe, no matter at what time in human history, and no matter who the writer, NEVER ONCE are these “UFOs” mentioned.
Did the Pilgrims ever write about this garbage? No. The Puritans? No. The various tribes of Indians mention such things to the White Man? No. Were sightings written about during the build-up to the desire for American Independence? No. The Revolutionary War? No. The early 1800s? No. All through the forging Westward by the people of the United States at any time in the 1800s? No. During the Civil War? No. And so on. Never one single mention by any of the writers who lived in those times. Nor in the time of the Old Testament. Or the New Testament. Frederick the Great never referred to them. Nor the Greeks. Nor the Romans. Nor the Chinese. Or anybody. At any time. Ever. No bizarre shiny metal objects hovering or zooming around in the sky above their heads. But whoa! All of a sudden, in 1947, out of nowhere, and just in time for such “phenomena” to pique the minds of a population intensely interested in Germany’s rockets, come flying saucers.
From the Britannica website: “The first well-known UFO sighting occurred in 1947, when businessman Kenneth Arnold claimed to see a group of nine high-speed objects near Mount Rainier in Washington while flying his small plane. Arnold estimated the speed of the crescent-shaped objects as several thousand miles per hour and said they moved “like saucers skipping on water.” In the newspaper report that followed, it was mistakenly stated that the objects were saucer-shaped, hence the term flying saucer.”
“[…] estimated the speed of the crescent-shaped objects as several thousand miles per hour.”
Really. Here, from Wikipedia: “At 20 °C (68 °F), the speed of sound in air is about 343 metres per second (1,125 ft/s; 1,235 km/h; 767 mph; 667 kn), or one kilometre in 2.91 s or one mile in 4.69 s.
We all know that when a fighter jet breaks the speed of sound (a measly 767 mph) a “sonic boom” occurs. We also know that a person has to have “fast eyes” to see a jet traveling that fast. And yet, this loser, Kenneth Arnold, in 1947, SAW a GROUP of flying objects traveling “several thousand miles per hour.” So like … what. Mach IV? Mach V? Yeah. Sure he did.
From sea to shining sea measures about 3,000 miles. And yet Mr Arnold convinced the pitifully gullible that he SAW these objects travel at a speed that would have taken them from sea to shining sea in under an hour.
I don’t think so. But in my experience, all the explaining and facts and examples in the world cannot convince the true believers that UFOs are a figment of the overworked imaginations of those dying to believe they exist.
Back in the 60’s most reports said people saw a UFO and it was “cigar-shaped”. Hmm, I wonder what that could be, maybe something Boeing developed.
I think it starts with people believing there could be life out there somewhere and eventually become convinced with This kind of garbage. There’s a reason this is coming out, Now. A rational person would consider all the variables that it takes to travel from any part of the galaxy to this planet.
I found this Grusch character unbelievable right from the start. For something so profound he is just too whimsical about the whole thing. That sounds suspicious to me. Also, how many craft have they recovered. Seems to me whoever built such craft needs better engineers if that many can’t survive.
I think its a bunch of bullshit. Great distraction for the people as Biden tanks and evil world leaders put the screws to world citizens. It wouldn’t surprise me if a large number of people are eventually killed in different areas and they blame it on aliens.
I couldn’t have said it any better. Thank you.