Using Camps to Entice Children Into a “Diverse” Community


NBC News and a Pride Camp are grooming enticing young children. The New Country Day Camp uses rainbows and fun activities to make the queer life enticing.

From the website:

Set on 75 beautiful acres of campgrounds on the Staten Island Greenbelt, Pride campers receive daily swimming lessons and free swimming and attend two daily programs led by NCDC’s teachers in activities including Build, Movement, News & Film, Theater, Art & Design, LABA, Wilderness & Garden, Music, Cooking, Team Sports, and more! Campers participating in NCPC have access to all NCDC transportation options.

We also plan a special daily activity just for Pride campers, which includes discussions, preparation for our special Pride Shabbat, and activities led by guest teachers—community leaders, activists, artists, parents, and others from NYC’s LGBTQ+ community. Bringing successful and passionate LGBTQ+ folks into the camper experience will broaden their view of the incredible diversity of the community and the many ways in which an LGBTQ+ identity can be expressed in society, work, and family.

Oh, and they have preschool programs. They have special programs for religious Jewish children.

They are blatantly after the children, and the media backs them with the excuse that it’s “diverse.” Diversity is a leftist invention. Children should make their choices naturally, not through indoctrination when they’re there or six or twelve.



  1. Hey kids, be real, authentic, natural, and genuine. “Queer” in nature doesn’t fare very well. It’s an artificial construct.


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