Watch RFK Jr Censored in Real Time


The corporate media is going to be opposed to my candidacy, which they should be, because I’m going to do things that are probably going to hurt their business model, incl getting pharmaceutical ads off TV.

~ Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

It seems pretty clear that Elon Musk doesn’t control the Twitter censors, at least not entirely. That might change with the departure of the Health & Safety tyrant. Whether you agree with Robert F. Kennedy Jr or not, you can probably agree he should not be censored.

Watch this clip as he loses views in real-time. It’s one way to censor him.

“I feel like I’m a traditional Democrat,” Kennedy said Friday during an appearance on Newsmax‘s “American Agenda.”

“…on core issues like censorship — the word ‘liberal’ means freedom, and it came from freedom of speech. It’s about freedom of discourse and debate, the free flow of information. And now, the Democratic Party is not only censoring people from the White House, censoring political dissent from the White House; but it’s enveloped in this entire woke culture, which is about canceling people rather than engaging them in discourse and having no boundaries on the kind of things that we’re allowed to talk about.

“Let’s talk about everything,” Kennedy added.



  1. If he’s really a ‘Truth Seeker’ as he claims why on God’s green earth is he a Democratic? Something doesn’t pass the smell test.

  2. RFK Jr. is a brave man and truth teller. I don’t always agree with him, but he is a refreshing arrival on that sordid scene.

  3. A person can just see, hear, feel, and even smell the ragged, sweaty, desperate, cowardly fear of the Left, when the truth is brought into daylight. But try every pathetic method of erasing it they may, they cannot undo what IS. Sure, they may find some success in undoing the speaking of it, the expression of it, but they cannot undo WHAT IS.

    As for Twitter and its new god, Elon, bah. He talks and talks, and does nothing but make himself dizzy spinning around in circles. With him, it’s one thing one day, and something else the next. How pitiful for a grown man to not even know what the truth is, much less take a solid stand upon it.


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