World Economic Forum Flag Flies Over Abandoned US Forts in Panama


At 09:45 in the clip below, Ann Vandersteel explains the World Economic Forum (WEF) flag flies over Ft. Clayton. They have taken over abandoned US bases. There is also a Chinese Communist monument since they have a significant presence in Panama and work closely with the WEF. BlackRock is there selling burgers and trinkets.

The beautiful Indian tribes in Panama are being destroyed by the illegal aliens pouring into Panama.

The U.S. government abandoned Panama under Jimmy Carter. China and the globalists stepped in. It’s the precursor to abandoning all of our bases in Afghanistan and other nations around the world.

US military compounds were abandoned and run down.

We built the canal and gave it away. The first ship to transit the canal after we gave it to Panamá was from China. Today, China has a massive presence all over Central and South America. Your government let that happen. Panamanians love Americans, and they are asking, “Where are the Americans?”

Ann Vandersteel goes over each of the issues here and more in the clip below.

In the clip at the end, Ann Vandersteel notes the Declaration of North America and the Colony Ridge development for illegal aliens in Texas.

The Declaration of North America, signed by Joe Biden on January 10, 2023, is an effort to open borders between Mexico and Canada. Biden dissolved the borders.

This is the key section on migration:

Migration and Development

Today marks the six-month anniversary of the Los Angeles Declaration on Migration and Protection, a bold new framework for regional responsibility-sharing that 21 leaders endorsed on the margins of the Ninth Summit of the Americas. The three countries of North America each made ambitious commitments under the Los Angeles Declaration, including working together to advance labor mobility in North America, particularly regarding regular pathways, and have been delivering on these commitments.

Since June, Mexico, the United States, and Canada have collectively welcomed record numbers of migrants and refugees from the Western Hemisphere under new and expanded labor and humanitarian programs. Today, we affirm our joint commitment to safe, orderly, and humane migration under the Los Angeles Declaration and other relevant multilateral frameworks. This includes assisting host communities and promoting migrant and refugee integration; providing protection to refugees, asylum seekers, and vulnerable migrants; strengthening asylum capacity in the region; expanding and promoting regular pathways for migration and protection; addressing the root causes and impacts of irregular migration and forced displacement; and collaborating to counter xenophobia and discrimination against migrants and refugees.

Colony Ridge

We reported the donation to Gov. Abbott by the Colony Ridge developer but didn’t know about the donation to Rep. Morgan Luttrell.

Colony Ridge is set up to take huge numbers of illegal aliens. Cartels have a large presence in Colony Ridge.

“Congressman Morgan Lutrell actually had taken a donation from the developer of Colony Ridge. Morgan Luttell’s donation totals $17,400…. Developer Trey Harris also donated to Governor Greg Abbott, and when you look at that total, it puts you at about $1.4 million to Greg Abbott.

“Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick, who is the second highest ranking elected official in Texas called for Colony Ridge to be addressed in a special legislative session just days after the Daily Wire’s report.

“Again, the Daily Wire was invited by Operation Burning Edge to join us and go up in the helicopter so they could also take a slice at the apple … and get this news out.

“And special shout out to Spencer Lindquist for an incredible article that he wrote, absolutely brilliant. He basically covered it all, and of course, Dan Patrick says once he gets a little more legal foundation on this to see what he can do, he’s going to be asking Abbott to address some of these issues in a special session.”



  1. Myorkas did that. he was seen in the Darien Gap in an unmarked Bell Jet copter recently. Sure wish a white hat had seen it…


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